Monday, January 7, 2008

American Gothic EP

Smashing Pumpkins
Time for a brief foray into mainstream alt-rock.

These are the first new Pumpkin's tracks since Zeitgeist, and I think they are much better.
It could be because this is an acoustic EP, and is therefore less overproduced, or just because I have an affinity for acoustic music.
The stripped-down tracks also make American Gothic also sound like less of a Billy-athon than Zeitgeist.
Pox has a great edgy feel, Rose March is kinda folky, Sunkissed is growing on me, and I'm not a huge fan of Again, Again, Again.
Lyrically, as far as I can tell, Corgan has gone back to his deeper, personal, and enigmatic style- much better than the abstract, politcal-pop on Zeitgeist.

Someone has uploaded the tracks as Youtube vids, so here's a link to Rose March. You should be able to link to the rest from there.

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