Monday, January 14, 2008

The Cancer Conspiracy

The Cancer Conspiracy was a Burlington, Vermont instrumental prog band. The band was composed of veterans of the local music scene who wanted to try a new musical direction. Their music is jazz and math-rock influenced. It's really excellent stuff for any fans of progressive music. They broke up in 2003, and their members have gone on to participate in other good bands musical entities. In particular, Daryl Rabidoux went on to work for Strangeways Recording, who have produced some really high-quality music. Their label collapsed in 2004, leaving their final album in a state of copyright limbo. However, they have finally obtained the rights, and this album, Omega, should be released on January 29!

Recommended Albums:
The Audio Medium

Official Myspace
There are some mp3s up at their new label Radar
Their Epitonic page

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